1 слон для
crimson koziобещанные сканы фото битлов из книги фотографа Don McCullin'а

2 слон для
K-ITOJ - HeavenтекстI'm walking alone along the continuing road
I was wounded deep inside my soul carrying thoughts
Merely a night where my sighs are transparent
Just the words of a remembered you
Just like heaven my own little heaven
I'm walking alone Quietly down a road with no one else
Boundless deep darken sky I look up and think
Merely a night with the serenity of the full moon
Just the smile of a remembered you
Just like heaven it's my own little heaven
Just like heaven
I'm walking alone With certainty through the places I struggled to reach
Not turning back, I will put back the hands of the clock
I wanna feel you hold you and ask you
Just reminiscing about a remembered you
Just like heaven it's my little heaven
You were my heaven
Just like heaven you were my heaven it's my own little heaven
Just like heaven it's my little heaven heaven
Just like heaven heaven
Just like heaven it's my small little heaven heaven heaven it's my own little heaven
Just like heaven it's my small little heavenперевод by
братья - Марсяки,
Джун-Джун - кокэтко (c),
сэкс, дядя Джек и рок-н-ролл,
ай, нанэнанэнанэ!!!
такие классные они, однако))
не за 4то, дорогой)) да, они ооооо4ень клёвые)))